

All websites are susceptible to malware and hackers that wish to promote their sites.  The best way to prevent ever getting hacked is to be diligent.  So how do you know if your site is hacked?  There are indications but unfortunately, in some cases, knowing that you’ve been hacked doesn’t really help and the only other choice is to start from scratch.  You’re site has been hacked if…

  • Your password is not working anymore.  This is the most obvious indication that your site has been hacked.
  • You have an extra page on your site, usually a page endorsing another site or a product they are trying to sell online.
  • Your site has been flagged by search engines, web browsers and anti-virus softwares as malware.  Usually, malicious codes are inserted in the site and visible only if the source code is viewed.
  • Google says you’ve been hacked when you run the Google Safe Browsing Tool. Some hackers make subtle changes on your site just for fun which may not be harmful but if you are running an online store that has constant traffic, this may cause problems for your customers.  Run a diagnostics test to see if you’ve been or being hacked.
  • The pages load significantly slower than usual and traffic has been unusual as well.
  • You receive hordes of spam emails.
  • There are changes in homepage size or even the page title.

Due diligence means you have a clear idea of what to look for, find it in time and make necessary changes.  However, time is usually a commodity that eludes most people nowadays, indeed there are so many things to do but with little time to do it.  And maintaining a website, monitoring for hackers, keeping track of website uptime and running a business is usually a job for more than one person.  Fortunately, site monitoring is a service being offered online for a minimal fee.  Site-monitor.co for instance gives you a premium service that monitors your site at intervals of 5 minutes. They alert you instantly if there are any changes, suspicious or otherwise.

Web monitoring services such as being offered by site-monitor.com lets you focus on your other priorities while they do the nitty-gritty monitoring work and keep you informed if there are changes worth noting. To know more about their services, visit the site-monitor.com website